We are happy to announce the newly designated Co-Chairpersons of the AOAC SEA Working Group on Harmonization of Methods!
First, we have Miss Maria Josephine Bueno Gonzales, MSc, RCh, PFT from the Philippines. Miss Gonzales is currently the Vice-President and Head of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs of Nestle Philippines, Inc. located at Makati City, Philippines. She has 30 years of work experience which are mostly in quality assurance for analytical testing. She previously worked as Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Lead for SBU and R&D Centers for Beverages (Expatriation Assignment) at Nestec S.A., Nestlé Research Centre Orbe, Switzerland.
Second, we have Mr. Dimas Ade Putra from Indonesia. Mr. Putra is currently the Quality Manager at the Center for Standardization and Industrial Service Medan, an institution under the Indonesian Ministry of Industry. He is responsible in the application of quality management system in service standard of testing laboratory in his organization based on ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 17025:2017. He previously served as Senior Laboratory Analyst from 2018 to 2021 at the same institution.
We warmly welcome Ms. Gonzales and Mr. Putra to the Working Group. We look forward in working with you both for the realization of the objectives of the Working Group and the AOAC SEA as a whole. Congratulations on your designations!