Welcome SIG Laboratory! AOAC virtual work sessions on pesticide and cyanide. Call for nominations to AOAC SEA Executive Committee posts

18 Oct 2023

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SIG Laboratory as AOAC SEA's 4th Organizational Member

"It is such an honor for us to become part of AOAC Southeast Asia Section, which is in line with SIG's commitment to support the creation of a safer world #towardsasaferworld.

SIG takes a role in regional and global efforts to improve the quality of food analysis. We continuously strengthen our contributions to maintaining the quality of the food industry by supporting the development of a sustainable and safe industry in the Southeast Asia region and beyond."

Thank you SIG and other Organizational Members! We are honored to have you with us! 

AOAC SEA's Organizational Membership
Nov 2: AOAC Virtual Work Session on Pesticide Residue Analysis

The Harmonization of Methods Working Group of AOAC SEA has prioritized to address challenges identified for analysis of pesticide residues in herbs and spices. We have received much support and interest in this project, even from outside the Southeast Asia region.

In collaboration with AOAC INTERNATIONAL, AOAC SEA is organizing a meeting to scope this project and engage interested participants from other regions in the world.

The virtual work session will take place on November 2, 2023 from 6-8 pm SGT and include the following draft agenda:

  1. Introductions 
  2. Feedback survey on needs/challenges 
  3. Recent work on pesticide residues at AOAC INTERNATIONAL 
  4. Standard development on Ethylene Oxide, new working group at AOAC INTERNATIONAL 
  5. Scoping project pesticide residues in herbs and spices, call for volunteers Working Group
  6. Next steps

Speakers will include Dr. Xinping Hou from BV-AQ, Dr. Erik Konings from NestlĂ© Institute of Food Safety & Analytical Sciences, Dr. Annabelle Briones from Department of Science and Technology - Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI), Dr. Kate Mastovska from AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Ms. Edna Callejas-Mijares from Jefcor Laboratories, and Dr. Kaushik Banerjee from Indian Council of Agricultural Research - National Research Centre for Grapes (ICAR NRC Grapes).

Register for the Session
Nov 30: AOAC Virtual Work Session on Cyanide Measurement

The Harmonization of Methods Working Group of AOAC SEA has identified challenges with the analysis of cyanide in cassava and cassava products. Interest in this topic has been confirmed to extend beyond the Southeast Asia region. 

In collaboration with AOAC INTERNATIONAL, AOAC SEA calls for a virtual session to connect stakeholders from multiple regions in the world to share the identified challenges and gauge interests in standard development to measure cyanide in cassava, cassava products and other food materials. 

The virtual work session will take place on November 30, 2023 from 6-8 pm (SGT) and include the following draft agenda:

  1. Challenges with the analysis of cyanide in cassava and cassava products
  2. Feedback survey on needs/challenges
  3. Standard Development process @ AOAC INTERNATIONAL
  4. Next steps

Speakers will include Dr. Deni Taleski from National Measurement Institute Australia and Dr. Erik Konings from NestlĂ© Institute of Food Safety & Analytical Sciences.

Register for the Session
Call for Nominations for AOAC SEA Office Positions
AOAC SEA Section was approved to form by AOAC International in 2021 and since then we have continuously worked to engage SEA stakeholders from government, academia, and industries. AOAC SEA aims to serve as an effective vehicle to:
  • drive the development of analytical competence and capabilities through mutual recognition;
  • improve the standards and performance of analytical science;
  • involve governments, industry, technology service-providers, and academia across the region; and
  • foster more public-private engagements, which will bring tremendous benefits for the
  • consumers and economies in this region
AOAC SEA has four office-bearer positions that form the Executive Committee (ExCom). President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary positions were elected and formed in 2021, and have completed a tenure of two years. As per the Bylaws, we seek this opportunity to invite nominations of AOAC SEA members who would like to nominate themselves or other capable members for the positions of President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. The roles and responsibilities of these positions can be accessed at https://aoac-sea.org/aoac-sea-bylaws/.For members nominating other members, please gain consensus for nomination before nominating.
Nominations can be sent via email to AOAC SEA President (Dr. Xinping Hou) and Section Mentor (Dr. Erik Konings) at [email protected].
A brief profile of the nominated individual along with a statement of interest in the aforementioned position is required.
For further information, please email us at [email protected].
View the Call

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