2024 AOAC SEA 3rd Annual Conference

AOAC SEA’s 3rd Annual Conference will take place over 2 days at the Acacia Hotel Manila, Philippines on Oct 16-17, 2024. Together with our co-organizer, the Philippines Department of Science and Technology – Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI), we are bringing to you the 3rd Annual Conference themed Bringing together government, industry, and academia to advance analytical excellence for food safety.

Sharing the missions in establishing harmonized standard methods of analysis that ensure the safety and integrity of foods and other products to support growth and development of countries in the region, AOAC SEA and DOST-ITDI are honored to partner up to deliver a successful conference.

The conference will bring together regional and global experts and stakeholders to share the latest trends in science and technology, regulations, standards and compliance related to food safety issues across South-East Asia, and how they impact international food trade.

Conference registration is now available!

Registration deadline is October 11, 2024.

Link for hotel room reservation at Acacia Hotel for the AOAC SEA 3rd Annual Conference for exhibitors/sponsors and registered partipants: https://tinyurl.com/AcaciaHotelRooms

>> Click to download the most updated conference agenda

>> Click to download the brochure

With the theme of Bringing together government, industry, and academia to advance analytical excellence for food safety, an international line-up of confirmed speakers include:

Keynote speeches:
AOAC New Initiatives (AOAC INTERNATIONAL Representative)
The Filipino Initiatives on Food Safety and Security through Science, Technology, and Innovation (Department of Science and Technology, Philippines)

Hot topics:
Insect-based Certified Reference Materials 
Microbiological Hazard Risk Assessment for Cultured Meat / Alternative Proteins, Dr Dean Powell (GFI APAC)

Global and local emerging issues:
– A parallel session on pesticide residues with top experts
PFAS – Philippines Regulatory aspects
PFAS in food, Dr. Kate Mastovska (AOACI)
Cyanide in cassava, Dr. Deni Taleski (National Measurement Institute, Australia)
– Other emerging issues topics: MOSH MOAH analysis, Ethylene oxide, Histamine in canned fish, Parabens in BBQ sauces, etc

Microbiology parallel session:
– Surveillance strategies adopted by food regulators
– Large Sample Size for already validated matrix
– Salmonella & S. aureus — Pathogenicity and Food poisoning
– Stability of food – Shelf-life estimation

Analytical excellence applied across government, industry, and academia:
Chemical contaminants – AOAC Official Methods of Analysis, Dr. Erik Konings (AOAC SEA)
Overview of Revised AOAC OMA Appendix J Guidelines for validating microbiology methods, Erin Crowley (Q Laboratories)
Proficiency testing – Materials in Food Microbiology Measurement, Marlon S.A. Aguinaldo (DOST-ITDI)
The Concepts and Applications of Detection Limit in Chemical Residual Analysis, GuanHuah YEOH (GLP Consulting SG)
Residual pesticides in herbs and spices – Project overview, YiFan Jiang (AOAC SEA)
Vitamins / Fat-soluble vitamins – Methods and claims, Dr. Erik Konings (AOAC SEA)

We warmly invite you to register for the conference. Early bird registration ends on 16 Sep 2024. 

Regular registration ends on 11 Oct 2024.

>> Click to download the Call for Sponsorship

For further queries or to become a sponsor, please write to our Sponsor Team at [email protected].

AOAC SEA Section

AOAC INTERNATIONAL was founded 140 years ago in Washington, DC as the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. It is now the Association of Official Analytical Collaboration with a vision of ‘Global alignment for trusted analytical solutions.’ The Southeast Asia Section of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (AOAC SEA) was formed in June 2021, and now encompasses 11 countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Timor-Leste, Thailand and Vietnam.

The aim of AOAC SEA is to bring together government, industry, and academia to establish standard methods of analysis that ensure the safety and integrity of foods and other products that impact public health around the world. Our vision is to be a contributor in developing confidence through consensus based analytical solutions for food safety, food integrity and public health across Southeast Asia countries.

The first and second annual conference were held in Singapore (2022) and Vietnam (2023) respectively, each enabling over 200 delegates to attend in-person. In case you missed it, you can still view the conference program and some of the highlights of the event from our newsletters

Annual Conference 2024

SEA’s 3rd Annual Conference will take place over 2 days at the Acacia Hotel Manila, Philippines on Oct 16-17, 2024. Together with our co-organizer, the Philippines Department of Science and Technology – Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI), we are bringing to you the 3rd Annual Conference themed Bringing together government, industry, and academia to advance analytical excellence for food safety.

Sharing the missions in establishing harmonized standard methods of analysis that ensure the safety and integrity of foods and other products to support growth and development of countries in the region, AOAC SEA and DOST-ITDI are honored to partner up to deliver a successful conference.

AOAC SEA Sponsorship Packages

The sponsorship packages provide opportunities for organizations to form partnerships and long-standing relationships with the Association. Extensive networking opportunities will be available throughout the full 2-day program of face-to-face meetings.

Engagement Packages are now available for the 3rd Annual Conference of the SEA Section of AOAC International.

*All Engagement package level listed above will include:

– Company’s name listed as sponsor and link to company’s website at Annual Meeting home page of the SEA Section of AOAC International website.

– Company’s name announced as sponsor at the President’s welcome speech at the SEA Section of AOAC Annual Meeting.

– Recognition on the sponsorship signs displayed at the Annual Meeting in the registration area.

– Your materials (brochures, etc.) inserted into the Annual Meeting bags and provided to every registrant.

– Company logo with a link to your website on all Annual Meeting email blasts. Email blasts are sent to alert members of upcoming Annual Meeting deadlines and information.

Also, we have other Event Sponsorship packages:

For further queries or to become a sponsor, please write to our Sponsor Team at [email protected]

>> Click to download the Call for Student Awards

>> Click to access the Application Form

AOAC SEA Section is pleased to announce the 2024 student award competition. Winners will be recognized at the AOAC SEA 3rd Annual Conference (16-17 Oct 2024) at the Acacia Hotel Manila, Philippines and also have the opportunity to participate in the Student

As the conference theme is Bringing together government, industry, and academia to advance analytical excellence for food safety, works submitted should be among the various areas of food safety and analytical science such as: Adulteration, Contamination, Microbiology, Ingredients, Bioactive substances, Adulteration, Contamination, Microbiology, Ingredients, Bioactive Substances, Genetic modifications, and Alternative proteins. Studies with relations to toxicity on human health or environment, with implications on trade, are also welcome.


Qualifications of the applicant:
– Applicant must be enrolled as a student (undergraduate or postgraduate or equivalent) at a tertiary education institution from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Timor-Leste, Thailand or Vietnam.
– Research topic must be among the ones listed above.
– To celebrate the conference theme Bringing together government, industry, and academia to advance analytical excellence for food safety, we encourage applicant to submit work done as collaboration with government, industry, or a different academia institution.

Submission Package

Applicants are required to submit:
– An abstract of not more than 300 words, including the objective, methodology, results & discussion, conclusion and impact of research (Please see the Application Form for the abstract template).
– Supporting documents (eg: Student Identification Card, publications if any, or other related documents).
– Proof of registration as Student Member of AOAC SEA (Registration is free).

Please submit your Application Form here.


– Up to $700 SGD travel award* to attend the conference and the opportunity to give oral presentation
– E-certificate from AOAC SEA Section
– Formal recognition on AOAC SEA Section Website
– (Optional) Student Lab Tour enrollment to visit state-of-the-art lab(s) in Singapore; up to $200 SGD for travel support*

*Includes transportation and lodging by reimbursement


The AOAC Southeast Asia Section (AOAC SEA) and the Philippines Department of Science and Technology – Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI), warmly invite AOAC SEA members and interested individuals to submit proposals for scientific topics and talks at the 2024 AOAC SEA 3rd Annual Conference. The conference will take place over 2 days in Manila, Philippines on 16-17 October, 2024. The Scientific Program Committee of the 2024 AOAC SEA Conference will review and consider the proposals to incorporate them into the conference program.

The deadline for proposal submission is 10 Jun, 2024.
>> To submit your proposal(s), please fill out this form.

AOAC SEA is seeking volunteers to serve on the organizing committee for the 2024 AOAC SEA 3rd Annual Conference. 

>> Please refer to the Call for Conference Volunteers flyer for more information.