2023 AOAC SEA 2nd Annual Conference
2023 AOAC SEA 2nd Annual Conference will take place over 2 days at the Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on the 1-2 August 2023. Together with our co-organizer, the Institute of Drug Quality Control in Ho Chi Minh City (IDQC-HCMC), we arrange this year’s conference on ‘Facilitating Compliance for Food Safety and Quality in International Trade.’
Sharing the missions in ensuring the safety and integrity of food and other products that directly impact public health through excellence in analytical testing, AOAC SEA and IDQC-HCMC are honored to partner up to deliver a successful conference.
The conference will bring together regional and global experts and stakeholders to share the latest trends in science and technology, regulations, standards and compliance related to food safety issues across South-East Asia, and how they impact international food trade.
The Conference Program Book is now available. Please click the button below to view it online.
Please see the tab below for conference agenda and other information. Conference brochure can also be viewed here.
We warmly invite you to register for the conference. Registration fees and deadlines are displayed below:
Steps to register for the conference:
Step 1: Log in if you are AOAC SEA member. If you are not a register member and would like to receive member benefits, please sign up here. It is free and takes 1-2 minutes to complete.
Step 2: Go to this link if you register as individuals. Go to this link if you register for groups.
Step 3: To register for complimentary workshops and gala dinner, go to this link if you registered as individuals. If you registered for groups, please email [email protected] with your payment confirmation. Registration for complimentary workshops and gala dinner are on first come, first served basis.
Gala dinner (FREE)
Time: evening of 1 Aug 2023
Registration: Open to registered conference participants only; pre-registration required, free-of-charge
Technical workshops (FREE)
Time: afternoon of 2 Aug 2023
Registration: Open to registered conference participants only; pre-registration required, free-of-charge
Part I: AOAC Official Methods and Method Validation
- – AOAC INTERNATIONAL Process for the Development and Use of SMPR’s in Standards Development
- – Measurement Uncertainty in Chemical Analysis
- – AOAC INTERNATIONAL Method Validation Process
Part II: Assuring Microbiological Quality of Food
- – AOAC Microbiology Method Validation
- – Environmental Monitoring of Pathogens
- – How to Participate and Use PT Results Effectively?
>> Click to download conference agenda (as of 20 Jul, 2023)
>> Click to view confirmed speakers
Topics of the conference were selected to stay relevant to Vietnam and participants in the Southeast Asia region, with alignment to AOAC’s vision, mission, and programs. AOAC SEA members were consulted via surveys and working group discussions. Inputs from National Institute for Food Control (NIFC), Country Representative of AOAC SEA in Vietnam, and AOAC INTERNATIONAL were also sought for and consolidated.
>> Click to download the brochure about AOAC SEA Section.
>> Click to download the Invitation for Sponsorships in SGD, or USD.
For further queries or to become a sponsor, please write to our Sponsor Team at [email protected].
(Updated on 2 Jun 2023: Student Award Travel Sponsorship added.)
AOAC SEA Section
The AOAC SEA Section is formed in June 2021, and encompasses participation from 10 countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. The aim of AOAC is to bring together government, industry, and academia to establish standard methods of analysis that ensure the safety and integrity of foods and other products that impact public health around the world. Our vision is to be a contributor in developing confidence through consensus based analytical solutions for food safety, food integrity and public health across Southeast Asia countries.
On October 2022, we held our 1st AOAC SEA Section Annual Conference in Singapore, enabling around 200 delegates to attend in-person. In case you missed it, you can still view the conference program and some of the highlights of the event from our newsletter.
Annual Conference 2023
Our 2nd Annual Conference will take place over 2 days in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on the 1-2 August 2023. Together with our co-organizer, the Institute of Drug Quality Control in Ho Chi Minh City (IDQC-HCMC), this year’s theme is on Facilitating Compliance for Food Safety and Quality in International Trade. Sharing the missions in ensuring the safety and integrity of food and other products that directly impact public health through excellence in analytical testing, AOAC SEA and IDQC-HCMC are honored to partner up to deliver a successful conference. The conference will bring together regional and global experts and stakeholders to share the latest trends in science and technology, regulations, standards and compliance related to food safety issues across South-East Asia, and how they impact international food trade. We expect to attract over 200 delegates at the event, with a good mix of public and private sector groups and academia.
AOAC SEA Sponsorship Packages
The sponsorship packages provide opportunities for organizations to form partnerships and long-standing relationships with the Association. Extensive networking opportunities will be available throughout the full 2-day program of face-to-face meetings.
Engagement Packages are now available for the 2nd Annual Conference of the SEA Section of AOAC International.
*All Engagement package level listed above will include:
– Company’s name listed as sponsor and link to company’s website at Annual Meeting home page of the SEA Section of AOAC International website.
– Company’s name announced as sponsor at the President’s welcome speech at the SEA Section of AOAC Annual Meeting.
– Recognition on the sponsorship signs displayed at the Annual Meeting in the registration area.
– Your materials (brochures, etc.) inserted into the Annual Meeting bags and provided to every registrant.
– Company logo with a link to your website on all Annual Meeting email blasts. Email blasts are sent to alert members of upcoming Annual Meeting deadlines and information.
Also, we have other Event Sponsorship packages:
For further queries or to become a sponsor, please write to our Sponsor Team at [email protected]
DEADLINE: 18 Jun 2023
>> Click to download the brochure.
>> Click to access the Submission Form.
NEW DEADLINE: 11 Jun, 2023
>> Click to download the brochure.
>> Click to access the Application Form.
(Updated on 2 Jun, 2023.)
AOAC SEA Section is pleased to announce the student poster competition to be held during the AOAC SEA 2nd Annual Conference (1-2 Aug 2023) at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. We will be supporting 12 Student Travel Awards and 3 Best Poster Presentation Awards.
Works submitted should align with our conference theme on Facilitating Compliance for Food Safety and Quality in International Trade. Topics of the conference include various areas of food safety and analytical science, such as adulteration, contamination, microbiology, ingredients, bioactive substances, genetic modification and alternative proteins. Studies with relations to toxicity on human health or environment, with implications on trade, are also welcome.
The intention of the student poster competition is to encourage and appreciate students’ work in related areas. We offer cash prizes, certificate and formal recognition on AOAC SEA Section Website. You’re welcome to submit your applications now!
All applications must be submitted online before 11 June 2023. Submissions will be evaluated by the Student Award Judging Committee and awardees will be notified in July 2023.
Qualifications of an application:
– Applicant must be enrolled as a student (undergraduate or postgraduate program) at a university from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Timor-Leste, or Vietnam.
– Work submitted should be in the various areas of food safety and analytical science such as adulteration, contamination, microbiology, ingredients, bioactive substances, genetic modification and alternative proteins. Studies with relations to toxicity on human health or environment, with implications on trade, are also welcome.
– Priorities will be given to works that demonstrate clear links to Facilitating Compliance for Food Safety and Quality in International Trade.
Applicants are required to submit:
– An abstract not more than 300 words including the objective, methodology, results & discussion, conclusion and impact of research (Please see the Application Form for the abstract template).
– Supporting documents (eg: Student Identification Card, publications if any, or other related documents).
– Proof of registration as Student Member of AOAC SEA (Registration is free).
– Registration fee included
– Up to $200 SGD travel award for top 12 abstract
– $500 SGD for top 3 poster presentation
– E-certificate from AOAC SEA Section
– Formal recognition on AOAC SEA Section Website
Please go to this link for submission.
If you have questions, please write to [email protected]
The AOAC Southeast Asia Section (AOAC SEA) and the Institute of Drug Quality Control in Ho Chi Minh City (IDQC-HCMC) warmly invite AOAC SEA members and other interested individuals to submit proposals for the scientific topics and talks that will be offered at the 2023 AOAC SEA 2nd Annual Conference in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in August.
The theme of the conference is “Facilitating Compliance for Food Safety and Quality in International Trade.” We welcome proposals that align with the conference theme and are suitable for the audience in the Southeast Asia region; below is a list of general considerations to help you brainstorm:
– Pesticide residues, heavy metals, industrial chemicals, radionuclides, mycotoxins and new challenges
– Food microbiology, food chemistry, and food technology
– Food additives, food processing, food packaging, and food transport and handling
– Agricultural production and food manufacturing
– National food control systems: monitoring and sampling, detection and analytical methods, application of standards and food safety requirements
– Harmonization of food standards: international standards (risk analysis, scientific investigations, etc), maximum residue limits for pesticides and residues of veterinary drugs, and codes of practice
Consulting with the regulatory organizations in Vietnam and AOAC INTERNATIONAL, we have also developed a list of topics that are relevant to Vietnam and the participants in the region, with alignment to AOAC INTERNATIONAL’s vision, mission, and programs. We kindly ask for your suggestions/comments for the topics below:
– Pesticide regulations and multiresidue analysis (ethylene oxide included)
– Antibiotic multiresidue analysis
– PFAS test method and risk assessment
– Processing contaminants (acrylamide, heterocyclic amines, etc)
– Heavy metal: ‘zero’ initiative for food in the US
– Food adulterant non-target analysis
– Microbiology testing (NGS included)
– Risk assessment methodology
** Important matrices include seafood, livestock & aqua feeds, vegetables, and health supplements
Develop Your Proposals
The Scientific Program Committee is seeking for topics and talks that cover timely analytical science and food safety topics, particularly issues that pose a significant challenge for the Southeast Asia stakeholder communities. Our goal is to provide a meeting program that balances technical topics with broad scientific ideas and opportunities that align with the conference theme Facilitating Compliance for Food Safety and Quality in International Trade.
To develop well-rounded proposals, consider the following questions:
– Why is this topic relevant to the conference theme and to AOAC SEA members and stakeholder communities?
– What is the challenge being faced and what is the impact presented by this challenge?
– Who is affected and what is the risk, i.e. public health risk, regulatory components?
– What analytical solutions are on the horizon for this topic?
Submit Your Proposals
You can either submit your proposals online or bring them to the upcoming AOAC SEA Working Group meetings. If you have not signed up for a working group, please do so promptly with this link: https://aoac-sea.org/working-groups/
To submit your proposals online, please fill out the following information in the survey form:
– Contact information
– Proposals for scientific topics and talks, as well as your justifications
– Suggestions/comments for the listed topics
The Scientific Program Committee will evaluate all the proposals and suggestions/comments and will reach out to you if we need further clarification.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!
DEADLINE: 28 Feb, 2023
>> Click to view the brochures in English, or Vietnamese.
Based on the responses from the 2022 AOAC SEA 1st Annual Conference participants and sponsors in a post-event survey, the location of the 2023 conference was decided to be Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. AOAC SEA is seeking volunteers to serve on the organizing committee for the 2023 AOAC SEA 2nd Annual Conference. Please find out more details below and do not hesitate to volunteer!
Must I have the relevant event organizing experience to serve on the conference organizing committee?
No. Many of the volunteers for the 2022 AOAC SEA 1st Annual Conference learned while they were working on the event organization. Furthermore, there will be experienced volunteers to guide and work together with you as a team.
How to volunteer?
Please email [email protected] by 28 Feb 2023 and indicate interested work(s).
Can I volunteer someone else?
Yes, but you will need to get agreement from that person. If he/she is not an AOAC SEA member, he/she will be invited to register for free individual membership at https://aoac-sea.org/.
What kind of work can I volunteer to support the organization of the conference?
How much time is expected to work on the conference organizing committee?
You are expected to attend majority of the 1-hour committee meetings (biweekly from March to June and weekly in July). Additional averaged workload is 1-4 hours per month from March to June and 2-4 hours per week in July, depending on the role. For certain roles, more time may be needed during the week right before the event.
Can I still volunteer if my schedule does not allow me to work for the full period from March to August?
Yes. The work can be allocated according to your schedule.
What if I have more questions about the work before I can volunteer?
Please email [email protected] by 28 Feb 2023.
Is there any sponsorship for the volunteers to attend the conference?
Yes. Travel sponsorship at different levels is available.